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Hello World!

Posted in Misc


Started my own blog after contemplating for quite a while.
Humans don’t generally visit my blog , so I’m going to go ahead and assume that you are a crawler bot. Well, report to the mothership that here lies greatness (and perhaps rank my page higher on the results? :P). That says a lot about me I guess. Geekish. Loves anything sciency (philosophy is science!). Computer science, Economics and Statistics occupy a special place in my heart. Philosophy is the result of laziness I guess, “stay lazy all you want kiddo, life doesn’t have a point anyways” :P. This is my first blog, so go ahead and judge, I would love it if you share your criticism in public though, will help me work on my short-comings.

Why do you have a blog?

Cause I’m cool. calvin and hobbes

What is it about?

Everything I can think of. It’ll mostly be about economics, computers, electronics or philosophy as that occupies my mind the majority of the time.

You suck at writing!

I know right! I’m hoping that changes. Another reason I started blogging. I would love it if you suggest changes or can help me write better.

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